Terms & Conditions

Updated on 2023-02-03

General Terms
By accessing and placing an order on our website, you agree to our Terms & Conditions. Our team is not liable for any financial losses resulting from the use or inability to use our site’s materials. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee that our resources will meet your specific needs or be error-free. We reserve the right to adjust prices and revise our resource usage policy at any time.

We offer a limited, revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use our service according to the terms of this agreement. By using our service, you agree to abide by our Terms & Conditions. Violation of these terms may result in the termination of your account or access.

Definitions and Key Terms

  • Cookies: Small data files saved by your web browser to help us identify your browser, provide analytics, and remember important information.
  • Company: Refers to Casesfly, US.
  • Customer: The company, organization, or individual signed up to use Casesfly’s Service.
  • Personal Data: Information that identifies or can identify a natural person.
  • Third-party service: Providers who may receive your information for purposes like advertising and marketing.

Users must not use our platform for commercial purposes or make it accessible to third parties without permission. Prohibited actions include modifying, reverse engineering, or decompiling our service. Violations may result in legal repercussions.

You must provide a valid credit card when subscribing to our Premium plan. Our Payment Provider agreement governs the use of your credit card account. Prices and billing methods may change, and you will be notified through our site or email. You are responsible for third-party fees incurred while using our service.

Return and Refund Policy
Placing an order means agreeing to our terms and Privacy Policy. Contact us for any issues with our products or services.

Your Suggestions
Any feedback or suggestions provided by you will remain our property, and we may use them without compensation.

Your Consent
By using our service, registering an account, or making a purchase, you consent to our Terms & Conditions.

Links to Other Websites
We are not responsible for the content or practices of third-party websites linked to our service.

Cookies enhance the performance and functionality of our service but are non-essential. Disabling cookies may affect your ability to use certain features.

Changes to Our Terms & Conditions
We may modify or discontinue the service at any time without notice. Changes to these Terms will be posted on this page, and your continued use of the service constitutes agreement to the new terms.

Modifications to Our Service
We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the service without liability.

Updates to Our Service
Updates may modify or delete certain features, and you agree that we have no obligation to provide any Updates or continue specific features.

Third-Party Services
We are not responsible for third-party services accessed through our service.

Term and Termination
This agreement remains effective until terminated by you or us. Violations may result in immediate termination.

You agree to indemnify us against any claims or demands arising from your use of the service or violation of this Agreement.

No Warranties
The service is provided “AS IS” without warranties. We disclaim all implied warranties, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Limitation of Liability
Our liability is limited to the amount paid by you for the service. We are not liable for special, indirect, or consequential damages.

If any provision is found invalid, the remaining provisions will continue in effect.

Failure to exercise any right under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of that right.

Amendments to this Agreement
We may modify this Agreement at any time, with material changes notified 30 days in advance. Continued use of the service signifies acceptance of the new terms.

Entire Agreement
This Agreement, along with our Privacy Policy, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us.

Contact Us
For any questions, contact us via email: casesfly@casesfly.ai